The troll that led to something.
As you may have read, we often “choose” to not debate secondary issues because we do not want to debate “about nothing”. But there are also exceptions. Not that we chose to do that… it’s more that a great conversation “suddenly” arose even though the debater was not up for a real conversation at all, but was only looking for a “debate conversation without listeners”.
Today we had a real “troll” who came up with an issue that can really get you into quicksand if you haven’t really looked into what it is about from a Biblical perspective. The topics where “I think” and “I think” should not be given a place. The topics are usually:
- Is Jesus God?
- How does the “Holy Trinity” work?
- Do you now see that the Old Testament laws are still required?
- Is the Bible unique and the only holy scripture?
- There is a lot of murder in the Old Testament, your God is not peace.
These topics are “suspicious” and in 99% of cases it is a “troll”, we now know from experience. You can say whatever you want, but they just won’t listen. Because they are not there to listen to begin with, but to troll. And that can be quite demotivating.
But not this time. Today we spoke with someone who initially seemed like just another “debater / troll”. But no matter how hard he tried, we remained friendly, kept talking and kept explaining, Bible in hand, what God says about topic X, Y, Z, in context through His word. The “conversation” turned into a real conversation! A conversation about the one and only Savior, a conversation that went on to eternity.
What a beautiful conversation it was this time. On to the next.