
When you would like to contribute financially to the work of The Emmy Foundation, you can transfer money to account number NL03RABO0357926897 for ‘Stichting Emmy’, BIC: RABONL2U or use the button below for PayPal or credit card. All gifts are more than welcome, no matter how big or small they are!

Community support
Many generous individuals provide vital support to the work of The Emmy Foundation through regular monthly gifts, donating to our appeals, one-off gifts and support for community fundraising events. We would like to thank each and every one of them. We are committed to stewardship of the gifts we receive and are always looking to ensure our partner’s contributions- financial or otherwise – make the maximum impact.

Where does the money go?
The Emmy Foundation works hard to ensure that we make the most of every penny we receive – be it from government, individual supporters, corporate partners or philanthropic foundations. The funding required for specific services is determined at the beginning of each financial year. Surpluses in any part of our organization are put into services with limited funds, or are held in trust to ensure the program’s longevity.

The Emmy Foundation structure ensures we don’t rely on a single income source and can add value to funded services by making the best use of our existing resources, knowledge and partnerships. By prudently managing costs, we can maximize the funds that go directly towards helping people in need.