

We try to help everyone on this side that we can help with the expertise we have and what fits within the framework of our given vision. In that context, we have dozens of conversations a week with expats, missionaries, refugees, homeless people, passers-by. And those conversations are really about something and are not just “hi, how are you”. We go deeper than that, much deeper.

Because you often only find out what went wrong when you keep asking…. Loneliness does not just happen, there is usually more to it. Only when we understand the cause, behind the cause, behind that cause again (us and the person we are talking with) can we move on to healing.

And then comes the next step….. Then you have to want to work together on the real cause, because as long as you don’t tackle that… fires will keep breaking out… and we want to prevent that. And that requires quite a bit of guts, strength and maturity. From all sides.

But what if you don’t want to do that? We can only help someone if they would like to be helped…. if you don’t want to…when do we stop on our side? Sometimes we know that if we stop, the mess is only going to get bigger, because sometimes we’re the only one they’re talking to.

But if that talk doesn’t get any further than “small talk”… and it doesn’t turn into a real and honest conversation… when do we stop? As painful as it is? If you don’t want to be helped and don’t really want to work on the real problems… then we can’t help you. No matter how hard we pull and push.

And in the meantime, we also know that we have a waiting list with people who are ready! Now!

Dilemmas, every day… when do you stop, when do you have to give it back to God? How hard is that sometimes?

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