Frequently Asked Questions…
As you may know, my (M) memory is not great (to say the least), so I write down countless things in lists. One of those lists is a list of frequently asked questions and answers from people I speak with when they are feeling down (or worse) and want to talk about it. For example, per topic there are the most commonly used Bible texts for encouragement, explanations of how you could deal with things, frequently used songs that I share that relate to specific topics, and so on. They are very roughly written down by topic and when I click on them, I get the answers that I had previously studied on, including examples of complete conversations. This is one such list of topics:
- Start prayer
- Keep pushing and praying
- Thorn flesh Paul
- Once chosen, always chosen
- Why Evangelism?
- God gives you strength
- Who is that Holy Spirit?
- Why do you do this work?
- God is there 24/7
- Homosexuality
- Look at the birds
- You will be OK, patience, mustard seed
- Body temple
- Suffering and death
- Lust Love
- Roman road prayer?
- Mourning loss
- Troll be gone
- Forgive and forget
- Addiction and temptation
- Don’t trust your own thinking
- What does the devil do?
- Why does this happen?
- Sick
- I don’t see it anymore
So these are the topics that come up at least once a day on average while we are working. On average, at least once a day, every topic… Can you imagine?
One conversation a day about “Suffering and death”, one conversation a day about homosexuality, one conversation a day about lust and love, one conversation a day about grief and loss.
On the other hand, behind those questions, there are also wonderful answers to those questions. (in my list these are the topics and I can click on the topics and then the most frequently asked answers will appear) and then you will also see this: One conversation per day about “God will never let you go”, one conversation per day about “you are beautiful”, one conversation a day about real forgiveness, one conversation a day with someone who does come to Christ, one conversation a day about patience and that you will be OK.
And if you look through that list a little, you will also see that we cannot do this work 365 days a day, 24 hours a day.
There is still a lot of work to do…