Author: M


We’ve got wheels!

Yes indeed, we’ve got “wheels”! The “new” car is named Piet, and he’s already been busy heading to various projects. You only realize what you had once it’s gone. Sure, in theory, you can… Lees meer.


Why did Jesus perform miracles?

Regularly, we see people asking for a miracle in prayer—whether it’s for healing, wealth, relationships, etc. We also see people seeking signs of miracles. “Oh, if you’re doing the work you do, then you… Lees meer.



What is normal?This week in the therapy group, we are reflecting on what is considered ‘normal.’ Where does ‘normal’ come from?One of the aspects involves norms and values: within the family, in the household,… Lees meer.


Podcast: Dating on the Mission Field

Romantic relationships develop on the mission field, but in most mission organizations, this is not allowed in the first year. Why is that? In this podcast, we will address this issue and try to… Lees meer.


Patience… sometimes quite difficult…

A while ago I was finishing up a Podcast and in all the steps to “build” a Podcast there comes a time when your computer has to do “things” to put everything together. The… Lees meer.


Kniepertjes and Jenga!

This week, we used Jenga and a traditional New Year’s custom from Drenthe (province in the Netherlands) to connect with one of our target groups. Starting a conversation can be tough for some people.… Lees meer.


Life-changing music…

Do you know those songs that played an important role in your life? Especially during moments when you just couldn’t go on? These are my two songs… The first one literally traveled 7,720 kilometers… Lees meer.


Border joke

We know several people from Belarus, and they have a great sense of humor—similar to the humor you’d find in the north of the Netherlands: direct and sharp. The situation in the country isn’t… Lees meer.


Visible values.

We have discussed values before. Everyone has them, and more than one. But how do these values influence us internally, and how are they visible to others? This week in the therapy group, we… Lees meer.


Where do we take guests, and why?

When we host guests for our retreats for missionaries and pastors, we usually have one day of sessions followed by a “rest” day. This gives our guests time to reflect on everything and makes… Lees meer.