How are you doing? Today, we make a small collage about it with a color in the background that matches your mood, a face, different eyes and a different mouth.
She makes this collage, where the most important thing is that the eyes are hidden behind the sunglasses.
Because with her smile, the fragrant flowers in the background, she can show the world that she is doing well. As long as they can’t look into her eyes.
Because in her eyes she cannot hide the sadness, the worries and the fear…
And that’s how she is right now…
There is space for this within the group.
Others recognize themselves in this. Because how often do they play “nice” weather” for others?
And that is the beauty of the therapy group – there is recognition and therefore also recognition for the situation of the other person and therefore the situation of yourself. You can show it here. Can you admit that things are actually not going as well as you make out… And no one will judge you for the fact that you may not be as strong as you would like to be…